A young country with 210,000,000 million inhabitants, in a territorial area of 8,500.00km², Brazil stands out as a country filled with opportunities to whoever wants to either invest or make business partnerships.

Thanks to the strength of its economy, the financial investments are solid and offer a return which always goes higher than the rate of 10% a year, often reaching 13 and 14% being insured by Brazilian Government.

Introduction to Brazilian Economy for Foreigners

The introduction to Brazilian Economy for Foreigners book will prepare you to enter and conquer this market. In a simple language, you will understand how this young country was formed and how it works nowadays within a framework of regional diversities.


A 3-month mentorship with the author

Once you bought the book you will receive a mentorship for 3 months with the author, a journalist who worked for 40 years in important media communication outlets from Brazil. You will receive all the necessary information to invest in different areas of the Brazilian economy and will be guided to the most prestigious financial institutions of our country.


Starting with small amounts of money, you could, for instance, invest in the powerful agricultural sector which feeds one billion people around the  world, insured by renowned Brazilian financial institutions  and also by the Brazilian government.

13.75% a year does it interest you?

The Brazilian Govermment fixed the SELI Crate (a Basic interest tax), Which is the reference for the Brazilian market, in 13.75% a year.

One of the highest rates in the world.

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