North Region

The economy of the North region, location which comprises seven Brazilian states and a territorial extension featuring big forest areas, is based, according to the characteristic of its weather and vegetation, in the vegetal extraction of products such as wood, latex, açaí and nuts. The ore exploration activity also stands out, mainly the extraction of iron, copper and gold.

Southeast Region

The Brazilian southeast region, composed of four states, has the biggest concentration of industries in all Brazil, what helps leverage the Brazilian economy. Due to this intensity of industrial potential, it hosts the biggest manufacturers and steelworks of the country, drawing the attention of many factories because of its populational contingent, besides of the quality of the manpower. The sectors of service and commerce are quite sophisticated, and they have great diversity, representing the main local economic activity.

Northeast Region

The Northeast region, composed of nine states, has one of the most diversified economic activities. Strongly consolidated in tourism, there is also the remarkable presence of factories, agribusiness and extraction of petroleum. The main agricultural cultivation of the region is sugarcane.

South Region

The south region of Brazil is composed of three states. The biggest part of its economy revolves around the service sector and the concentration of some industries, specially in the food, steelworks and textile areas. Just like the northeast region, cattle farming is well developed in this region.

Center-West Region

With a strong potential in cattle farming, the Brazilian economy based in the center-west region is remarkable for soybean, corn and other plantations, besides beef and some industries. This region comprises three Brazilian states.


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