Invest or find business partners

The book Introduction to Brazilian Economy for foreigners is a guide to help you find out this great nation, where 210,000,000 people coming from the most diverse nations of the world work, thrive and live in an environment of peace and harmony.

A young country with 210,000,000 million inhabitants, in a territorial area of 8,500.00km², Brazil stands out as a country filled with opportunities to whoever wants to either invest or make business partnerships.

Brazil is among the 10 biggest economies in 2023

Check out the biggest GDP in the world:

Source: genial investimento – Mar/2023


The foreign investments in the Brazilian Economy beats a record

The foreign investment in the Brazilian Economy reaching a total of US$ 90.5 billion in 2022, informed the Central Bank this Thursday (26). It is the highest level for a closed year since 2012 (US$ 92.5 billion), that is, in ten years.

Brazil has the second biggest interest rate among THE 40 most important countries in the world

When the comparison parameter is the real interest rate in the economy, which is the difference between nominal interest rate and the inflation, Brazil is the first country in the ranking, featuring 7.38% of real interest rate. Following Brazil comes Mexico (5.53%), Chile (4.71%), Colombia (3.04%) and Hong Kong (2.35%)

Source:  Mar/2023


Solid Investments: Interest rates of up to 14% a year!

Thanks to the strength of its economy, the financial investments are solid and offer a return which always goes higher than the rate of 10% a year, often reaching 13 and 14% being insured by Brazilian Government.
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